Sunday, April 29, 2007

How do you see Chicago's national role?

New York, Chicago, and Los Angeles, our three largest cities, are far more "national" cities than regional ones in how they function. All three function highly on an international level as well. However, even I (as a Chicagoan) have to admit that NY and LA make their national roles clearer than Chicago's. Yet Chicago is unquestionably an essential US city.

What national roles do our fellow Americans see in Chicago? I'm talking about economic, cultural, entertainment, life style, etc.....anything goes.

I, for one, find it fascinating to know what outsiders looking in see with my is great to get the perspective of others who do not live here. We view ourselves as a very American city, a city so tied in with the growth and development of the United States; as such is it is so imporant to know what America sees when it looks in.

Thanks for any input.>