Friday, April 13, 2007

Mirror thread: Open economic migration between the US and Canada

I've started an identical thread in the Canadian Urban Issues forum, but expect it might find more American eyes here:

I hesitate to start a thread like this, especially considering how popular I have become in the short time I've started posting on this forum.

But I'm curious to know . . .

How would you feel if there were a removal of quotas on economic immigration between the US and Canada? Not just on work visas from firm job offers, but on the right to work in general—essentially the establishment of reasonable restrictions on economic migration similar to those for foreign students (proof of sufficient means to relocate and live for a limited time—usually somewhere between $30-50K, sufficient ties to home country, security check, etc) without the numerical limitations?

I'm sure that most Americans and Canadians are fully aware of the fact that, under these circumstances, Canadians in general would be emigrating for economic reasons, and Americans would do so primarily for social and political ones—and that American immigration to Canada would probably be exponentially larger than its opposite number.

Would you take advantage of this if it were offered? What would you expect the advantages to be? If you preferred not to emigrate, how do you think you would feel about those who relocate to your community? Would you look upon them any differently than you do upon immigrants from other countries?

And, again to satisfy my curiosity: were you born in either country, and to which of them do you hold citizenship?>