Friday, April 13, 2007

Is there something fatal in antiNIMBYism?

I'd be the first say there is something very self-serving in much of what NIMBY's have to say:

I've arrived, I'm at home, I like my current high rise setting. But don't bring on more.

But isn't it also important for us to to listen to what they say, even if discarding the reasons they are saying it?

The Skyscraper forum is a place that definitely has a strong tilt towards embracing massive development, increased density, round-the-clock activity, mass and height to the skylines, and generally a strong "pro-growth" attitude, one that says don't criticise a developers plans; you do so only in your selfish best interest.

But if we continue to tear down, rebuild, crowd together, we will reach a point where we will kill the goose that laid the golden egg. OUR CITIES WILL LITERALLY DESTROY THEMSELVES WITH TOO MUCH OF A GOOD THING. And who's going to be there to put on the brakes at some future time if overdevelopment becomes too much?

It is a tricky balance between what to develop and what to leave untouched, but without those two perspectives always on our minds, we will harm our cities far more than help them. The balance needs to be maintained.>