Post are welcome as well! Mine! In order- NY City- HUGE skyline sprawling a combined 4 miles. Could have 8 1000 footers in 10-15 years, God I can't wait for the westside redevelopment and WTC! Not to mention, BOA, NYT, Con EDISON, Gehry, Calatrava, will all have many tower over 800 feet! Chicago- Insanely massive skyline along lake michigan, 2 new 1000 footers down the road! Philadelphia- huge, powerful, tall, will improve greatly in time. Seattle- Wow, can we say dense tall and huge, the sity is amazing looking, and so underrated. San Francisco- Charming, alomost as dense as manhattan, very good porportions. Los Angeles- Bold, Library Tower makes skyline very powerful. Minneapolis- This is one underrated skyline! Nearly as large as Philly and almost as tall! Minneapolis is great. Boston- Dense, Charming New England town, got quite a bit of tall buildings that look real cool. Miami- Miami is so modern, it's like the Dubai of the US, lots of cool plans ahead. Atlanta- Looks nice, not very dense but it still makes the bottom of my list. Ones that didn't quite make it but have a respectable skyline- Portland OR San Diego Charlotte Indianapolis Pittsburgh Dallas Houston Austin Baltimore Share your thoughts!> |
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