Thursday, April 12, 2007

Weekly Lists - Airport Distances

starting this week i will have a list of cities from a certain is this week's:

Airports to which walking is almost an option: Cities where downtown (City Hall) is closet to the aiport
Smaller cities (especially those that are part of a large metropolitan area but have their own commericial airports) and cities with older airports tend to be on this list.
1. San Diego.......................2 1/2 miles
1. San Jose........................2 1/2 miles
3. Newark...........................3 miles
4. Boston...........................3 1/2 miles
5. Washington DC................4 miles (Reagen)
6. Omaha...........................4 1/2 miles
7. Albuquerque....................5 miles
7. Honolulu.........................5 miles
7. Phoenix..........................5 miles
10. Anchorage....................5 1/2 miles
10. Fresno.........................5 1/2 miles

Long Shuttle Ride: US cities where downtown (City Hall) is furthest from the airport.
General, cities that are a part of larger metropolitan areas are further from the airports than their small counterparts (Toledo definetly excepted)
City ........................Distance
1. Washington DC................26 miles (Dulles)
2. Fort Worth......................24 miles (DFW)
3. Denver...........................23 miles
4. Dallas.............................22 miles (DFW)
4. Houston..........................22 miles (Houston Inter.)
6. Kansas City, Miss..............21 miles
6. Toledo............................21 miles
8. Aurora, Col......................19 miles (Denver Inter.)
8. Los Angeles.....................19 miles (LAX)
10. New York.......................18 miles (JFK, LaGuardia is 11 miles)
10. Virginia Beach, Va...........18 miles (Norfolk Inter.)>