Saturday, April 28, 2007

growth, density, population: why the obsession?

I've raised this issue on different threads where relevant, but feel it deserves a thread of its own:


Where did we get the idea that there is a race for the biggest population, the most dense setting, the highest skyline?

From the late 19th century to the present, the earth's population curve has curved dangerously upward. with growth has come an unpresidented use of the earth's resources with an unpresidented negative effect on the planet.

Do we really want to see our major cities (metros) growing to populations of 30-40,000,000, presumably mostly affluent or at least well off growth. Do we really want to see that many more people in place depleting the globe's resources. Do we admire the population of places like Calcutta...and desire to emulate it.?

Would living in a city so dense and so high that the sky was rarely seen something that would positively improve our quality of life?

Despite dire predictions, we tend to ignore global warming and the human race's effect on it. We feel we can build with impunity and still keep the quality of life we desire. We can't.

This century sadly will see many faceless cities throughout the globe whose populations will exceed 30,000,000. At some point, there will be virtually nameless cities in Asia or South America whose skyline's height (but not majesty) will far exceed Manhattan's.

Our cities are real. They are not photographs on the skyscraper forum. They don't function well because we look at pictures and say, "Oh my God, look at that fucking density!!!!!!

Our current fascination with density, height, population, etc., but be viewed abysmally and detrminetly by mid-century when their very existence contribute to the inhabitability of the planet. Why should we wait until then to be concerned.

There is no race to the top. NYC and LA have long passed my city of Chicago in population; I'll concede the competiton to them and seriously pray we never do catch up (we won't). If Houston passes up Chicago in population sometime in the future, I won't skip a beat. I don't give a rat's ass. You see, my guess is that by mid-century, the largest cities in the world (and perahps the US) will be basket cases; the real power houses will those places that have been able to control their growth, their density, their excessive life styles.

Sorry if this came across as a rant. No doubt it did. But I sincerely believe we are travelling down a dangerous road and need to seriously look where it is taking us.>