Let's face it. Los Angeles caught the break-of-all-breaks when the movie industry chose the little town of Hollywood as its epicenter. Talk about an industry (in LA I believe it is referred to as "the industry") designed to bring fame, glamour, and keep your city in the spotlight. But did you wonder what might have happened if the film industry had taken roots elsewher (perhaps in the desserts of Arizona, or somewhere out on Long Island)? What would the reprecutions been for the City of the Angles if the silver screen never made Hollywood its home? Specifically without the high profile of the film industry, would LA emerged as the power center of the west? Would it have been the magnet it became without the studios? How much did the movie industry contribute to LA's power and clout? And related....without the movie industry, what would LA's position in regards to San Francisco been as LA overtook SF in population and power in the 20th century. Is it possilbe that San Francisco might have retained its role of "The City" in the west if the movie industry never moved to LA?> |
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